Vampir 10.6


  • 16
    SC13 Conference - HPC Everywhere

    We will show the latest feature-packed Vampir version at our booth #3905 in Denver, the mile high city. You can again win a GPU sponsored by NVIDIA, this time its a GTX Titan. Additionally there will be a interactive supercomputing demo using 128 GPU's on BigRedII, Indiana University's new Cray system. You will be able to control the PIConGPU demo using body gestures.


    More information around Vampir and the SC13 conference can be found on our event site:

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  • 01
    Vampir on Jaguar/Titan: Read the Latest Update

    HPCwire published an article on how a joint team of researchers from OLCF (Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility), ANL (Argonne National Laboratory) and ZIH (Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing) managed to improve Vampir so that it ran on all 220,000 cores on Jaguar (now Titan):

    HPCwire: Vampir Rises to the Occasion at ORNL

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  • 05
    Vampir meets Super Computing 2012

    Vampir version 8 will be released at SC '12. It fully supports Score-P, the new monitoring infrastructure. This includes the new OTF2 file format as well as all new monitoring capabilities of Score-P. Compatibility with the earlier OTF and VampirTrace releases is maintained. Version 8 comes with a ton of new features, the ability to pre-select the time interval of interest prior to loading the actual performance data and automated detection of identical or very similar task recordings to name ...

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  • 13
    Thank you for joining us during SC '11!

    The Vampir team thanks you for joining us during SC '11! Besides the many improvements and extensions in our software products, this years highlight was the successful measurement and visualization of the performance of an application on 200,448 MPI processes. Learn more about this in our Vampir-News flyer. Also, we provide more about ZIHs research activities and other projects such as Score-P and MUST.

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  • 13
    Special website for SC '11

    In preparation of the Supercomputing Conference 2011 in Seattle our special website is now up and running:

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