Vampir 10.5

Features & Functions

Performance Analysis Framework

  • Easy to use performance analysis framework for parallel programs
  • Graphical data representation enables detailed understanding of dynamic processes on massively parallel systems
  • In-depth event based analysis of parallel run-time behavior and interprocess communication
  • Identification of performance problems and bottlenecks
  • Linux-based PCs and Clusters, SGI, IBM, SUN, NEC, HP, Apple, ...

Vampir Features

  • Powerful zooming and scrolling in all displays
  • Adaptive statistics for user selected time ranges
  • Filtering of processes, functions, messages, collective operations
  • Hierarchical grouping of threads, processes, and nodes
  • Support of source code locations
  • Integrated snapshot and printing for publishing
  • Customizable displays


  • Ultra scalable re-design of established Vampir functionality
  • Distributed performance data visualization
  • Increased scalability compared to sequential approach
  • Responsive performance data browsing from remote sites