Vampir 10.5

Vampir 9.0 released


At the SC15 in Austin we presented our most recent improvements in performance tracking and visualizing on the road to exascale.

We introduced Vampir 9 that offers new performance charts, customizable performance metrics, extended grouping and filtering, and new support for sampling traces.

Selected highlights include:

  • Combined visualization of instrumented and sampled events ensures a coherent performance analysis experience
  • New sampling related statistics and counter metrics allow an even deeper understanding of measurement data and application behavior alike
  • Enhanced visualization of customizable process groups allows easy analysis of idle times and further behavior that impacts performance.
  • New process filter management allows comparative analysis of statistics from different process groups at the same time.
  • Support for traces generated by Score-P 2.0

The latest version of Score-P 2.0 provides numerous improvements and new features. So a new measurement feature records the full calling-context information for each event. This in combination with an all-new sampling technology allows Score-P to measure application behavior with very low overheads. Careful handling of parallel paradigm invocations ensures accurate timings for these events.