Vampir 10.6

Vampir 10.6.0 released


We are pleased to announce the feature release of Vampir 10.6.0.

This major release introduces multiple new features.

Noteworthy Changes:

Multiple Metrics in the Master Timeline and Performance Radar

These charts can now display multiple metrics as color coded timelines. A new dialog helps to select metrics from different system tree levels, their color gradient and reduction mode. The opacity and step size is applied to all selected metrics. Opacity can also be adjusted directly in the chart via the mouse wheel and holding the Shift key.

Multiple metrics in the Master Timelines

The opacity will now also determine which value will be selected on locations with function activities and metric values. The metric will be selected if it is at 100 % opacity. Otherwise the function is selected. The color gradients can be reduced in height or collapsed.

This feature has been added by customer request.

Resizable Find Widget

The Find Widget is now resizable via the handle on the left side.

Resized Find widget of the Master Timelines

New Set Window Size Dialog

The Set Window Size dialog learned to copy/paste and to maintain the window's aspect ratio.

Set Window Size Dialog

Other Changes

  • Color range assignments to a set of functions can now use a custom gradient as well as the default Rainbow Colors gradient.
  • Event mode icons in the chart's captions are now clickable to change the event mode.
  • Fix sorting the value column in the Call Tree chart.
  • Fix exporting an image from the Process Timeline chart.